Starbucks School Project

Starbucks School Project

It started with a single seed planted between our partners in Thailand, Integrated Tribal Development Program and Starbucks Coffee (Thailand) as a shared vision for educating hill tribe farmers on best practices of farming. Practices to preserve the soil, the...
Vision Beyond Boundaries

Vision Beyond Boundaries

There is something to be said for having vision… By “vision” we mean creative power and imagining the future with wisdom. Being a visionary involves risk taking, being unafraid to fail, having the capacity to readjust and the strength to stay the...


At Lanna Cafe, (Integrated Tribal Development Foundation’s flagship coffee shop in Chiang Mai, Thailand), the mission and promise to their customers is to build brighter futures, one brew at a time! Through the upcoming, newly constructed Lanna Cafe, we are...
A Glass of Water

A Glass of Water

Written by Director of Hands to Heart Women’s Cooperative Debbie Tingley The next time you pour yourself a glass of water, think about how it got there. Do you have to travel far to get it? Is it clean? Who is working to get you that effortless access to water?...
Sowing Seeds of Hope

Sowing Seeds of Hope

Matthew 17:20, Jesus said, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible”....