by Kelly Mitchinson | Jan 23, 2019 | Uncategorized
I was part of the January 2019 Well community church mission trip to northern Thailand. We served with ITDP in a village called Mo Oh Jo. They are part of the Karen hill tribe people. Karen Tribe Women from Ma Oh Jo VillageKo Kuh (left) and Ma Gah (right) One of our...
by Kelly Mitchinson | Dec 6, 2018 | Uncategorized
Students in Ma Oh Jo School get ready to celebrate Loi Krathong FESTIVAL. Here they are making their footing baskets…. Here they are lighting paper lanterns out in the soccer field… What a wonderful thing it is to wonder! May this Holiday...
by Kelly Mitchinson | Jun 22, 2018 | Uncategorized
Name: “Yet Dee” Village: Glae la Blah Story: A testimony of one man’s faith and his journey into freedom…. This man and his wife were the first believers in Jesus within this village. They came to know the Lord seven years ago. Yet dee was...
by Kelly Mitchinson | Apr 21, 2018 | Uncategorized
Lanna Cafe: Thailand Coffee Project. Throughout this year, we will be highlighting some people who are making a big difference. These interviews were done in Thailand with various people working in connection with/for Intertribal Development Program (I.T.D.P.) Meet...