by Kelly Mitchinson | Sep 20, 2019 | Uncategorized
Written by Debbie Tingley Director of Hands to Heart Women’s Cooperative There is nothing like the sound of a hut full of strong women inspiring each other. The air is filled with sounds of creativity, bantering of ideas, joy and laughter. As we met...
by Kelly Mitchinson | Jul 24, 2019 | Uncategorized
Written by Debbie Tingley: Director of Hands To Heart Women’s Cooperative (post once new website is up for ITDF) Myself and Pree-Yoh Meet Pree-Yoh who is married to husband Pom. They have 2 children, one who takes care of Pree Yoh’s Mother, Mon and the...
by Kelly Mitchinson | May 11, 2019 | Uncategorized
Hills of Northern Thailand Click Here to be taken to International Ministries Annual ReportThis year, Mike and Becky Mann (Director/Co-Director of Integrated Tribal Development Foundation) were featured in a beautiful two page report about the work they are doing in...
by Kelly Mitchinson | Apr 11, 2019 | Uncategorized
Water System construction project was made possible by a generous donation from the Fresno Fig Garden Rotary Club during the two week time span of August 6-24, 2018 in Pha Tai Village; Mai Ai District, Chiang Mai Province of Thailand. This Lahu (black) Tribal group...
by Kelly Mitchinson | Mar 20, 2019 | Uncategorized
Ashley Ciolkosz It is an interesting feeling being back here in Thailand. There has been so much progress here in the village since the last time I came four years ago. When I first arrived back in the village I took some time to see everything that has changed since...
by Kelly Mitchinson | Feb 27, 2019 | Uncategorized
Written by Debbie Tingley in Thailand. Jan. 2019. Black Pepper Seedlings ready for planting I had the privilege and honor of spending a few days with Tewan (Lead staff member in the agricultural department of Integrated Tribal Development Program) hearing about the...