A new teacher started working in Glae La Blah this spring!
Setting: Kindergarten school 40 min past Maohjo that ITDP built and oversees. Water project done over 8 years ago by “Bright hope” of New Zealand, and school services preschool and some kindergarten kids. Its a school that sends students on to Maohjo and tis village currently has kids in Maohjo school.
School currently has 22 students.
This school had been without a lead teacher for over a month and the teacher’s helper has been struggling to manage all the kids in class, cooking lunch for them, and being a go between for families. The new teacher “Khru ong kha nah” is an answer to prayer. She is Karen and a believer who not only knows the culture but desires to support this village educationally and in them encountering Jesus.

This is her first full time teaching job and her and the teacher’s aide will be living at the school. She plans to go home (7-8 hrs away), only once a year. She needs wisdom and confidence and relationships to be developed as well as supportive encouragement. She will be teaching these kids about faith and practices of her faith. The kids mostly come from buddhist or animist homes in this area. Within the time of the water project being completed in Glae la blah, 7 families have come to profess faith in Jesus Christ and worship together weekly.
Update sent by Brad Jenkins.