Celebrating God’s Work Through Many Hands & Hearts

We have been absolutely blessed to be partnered with ITDF and by extension, Debbie Tingley! She has put together an update on what has been going on over in Thailand and with her many ministries she is a part of. Please enjoy reading about how God has been using Debbie in Thailand!

“I hope this message finds you and your loved ones well and surrounded by God’s blessings. Your ongoing support and prayers have been a lifeline for me and the incredible women we serve at ITDF. As we journey together, I’m eager to share a comprehensive update on our progress and the remarkable stories unfolding within our community.

Gratitude Amidst Challenges:

“In the wake of the pandemic, we encountered significant challenges, including losing several artisan groups to agricultural income pursuits due to the financial effects of Covid. However, through your generosity and the support of our dedicated tribe, we’ve persevered. Despite setbacks, we’ve celebrated victories and continued to support those women and families in need. We currently have six village artisan communities with fifty-seven members and two more artisan groups in the works. Through this women’s ministry, the Lord continues building rich relationships and communities of trust and hope. This year, we celebrated the 33rd anniversary, in which we could showcase what the Lord is doing through this project and grab the attention of the U.S. Consulate. 

Empowering Eager Young Mothers: 

“I’m delighted to introduce you to our newest group of artisans, 18 young mothers from the village of Ma Oh Jo. Although it has been challenging for them and us to focus and train with all the demands of motherhood, we continue to persevere with the never-ending ideas and strength the Lord provides to keep us moving forward. 

“I have been honored to watch these young mothers grow and mature in many ways, including their faith in the Lord. Brimming with enthusiasm and determination, these precious women have embarked on a skill development and empowerment journey. Despite the demands of motherhood, they’re diligently learning and starting to create their weaving products, showcasing their talent and resilience. Most of all, He is providing hope for their families’ future.

Welcoming New Villages into God’s Empowerment Tribes

“This year, we expanded our reach by welcoming two additional villages, Mae Khee Muk Noi and Kong Kai, into our community. We’ve equipped these women with past pieces of training and, now, advanced sewing techniques, introducing them to new product designs. Witnessing their enthusiasm and eagerness to learn has been immensely rewarding and led them to join our community. We welcome them and look forward to all that the Lord will unfold in their future.

Measurable Impact

“In 2023, our efforts yielded tangible results, with a total income of 34,196 baht/$3,653 across four villages. Each women’s artisan group experienced varying levels of success, with earnings ranging from 415 baht to 3,650 baht. These outcomes underscore the transformative power of sustainable income generation within underserved communities. Through the perseverance and commitment of the Lanna Foundation, USA Hands To Heart Coordinator Julia Cardoza’s relentless support, and all the amazing volunteers,  we continue to raise awareness and support for this empowerment project through handi-craft fairs, our online shop, and our Lanna Café retail shop here at the forefront of ITDF.  Every purchase you or others have made empowers these women to thrive with sustainable income, micro-loans, empowerment training, and a supportive community. All this provides hope for a brighter future and a voice in these women’s families and communities. YOU have made all this possible through your willingness to take action to His calling to you alongside myself and these precious women! I am immensely grateful to HIM and you.


“A cord with three strands is not easily broken. An enemy might defeat one person, but two people together can defend themselves; a rope that is woven of three strings is hard to break”

Ecclesiastes 4:12 

“This year, He blessed me to be able to serve alongside some VIPs in my spiritual life and some new brothers and sisters in Christ from my congregation stateside, The Well Community Church. My heart is full; no words can describe how grateful and joyous it was to be alongside them all. It was an honor to serve alongside some of the kiddos I have had the honor of encouraging and praying for as they have matured physically and spiritually. For this and much more, He filled my heart and nourished my spirit. I am grateful for His faithfulness in providing me with moments like these, affirming His calling and giving me the courage to persevere here.

Personal Renewal and Community Support:

“On a personal note, this year has been one of profound growth and renewal for me. Upon returning from the USA, I experienced God’s healing touch and a renewed sense of purpose despite initial sorrow, health challenges, and discouragement. Through moments of rest, reflection, and the unwavering support of all of you, my life group, church family, stateside and locally, I’ve found renewed strength and solace.

Looking Ahead with Hope

“As I approach my 65th birthday, I am reminded how it is never too late to surrender your heart and follow HIM.  However, you do have to apply for Medicare lol.  I’m grateful for the journey thus far and the opportunities ahead. Every year, He gives me a new word to remind me or work something within my heart of need. This year, He brought me the word RELENTLESS. By far it is the most powerful word, thus far, He has given me.  I am not sure what He will show and teach me through this carefully hand-selected word, but already He has reminded me of HIS RELENTLESS LOVE, GOODNESS and FAITHFULLNESS.  When you’re relentless about something, you mean business! UNSTOPPABLE! That is the description of my Heavenly Father. 

Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” 1Corinthians 15:58

 Through His persistent, perfect plan and your continued prayers and support, I’m excited to see what the future holds. Together, we’ll continue to witness God’s transformative work in the lives of those we serve, spreading hope and love wherever He sends us together.

How Can We Pray for Each Other? 

“Before closing, I invite you to share any specific prayer requests. I would be privileged to lift you in prayer, knowing that our Heavenly Father hears and answers every heartfelt plea.

These are my most urgent prayer requests: 

*Prayers for His touch in hearts to give monthly or as a one-time donor for the HHWCP. This year, ITDF Hands To Heart Women’s Cooperative ministry will become its own project next year, and we are currently praying for His perfect leader to manage this project and for the increased provision needed to move forward. 

*Prayers for my self-control and patience to rest in Him and allow Him to whisper His wisdom and discernment into my ear as He unfolds this amazing journey He has called us to together. 

*Praises for this word of the year He has given me RELENTLESS. Prayers for the Holy Spirit to fill my heart with peace, patience, courage, and strength to come with an open heart, eyes, and spirit to allow this word RELENTLESS to work in my heart and on to others in love and hope.

 With deepest gratitude, love, and blessings,

Debbie Tingley”